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Art of Embodied Flow Online Weekend with Tara Judelle

Somatic Movement

The Art of Embodied Flow
with Tara Judelle

As a weekend that is designed for our Advanced Yoga & Somatics 300-hour students, we have decided to open the morning practices for those practitioners that want to re-enter the Art of Embodied Flow or even experience them for the first time. 

 Three consecutive mornings will craft a mini journey through the embodiment of Self. 


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The Art of Yielding

Friday, March 10 - 9:00- 11:30 CET

The art of reciprocity is the art of wellness and sustainability.  In a world where we are looking to economize our energy and flow, to give and receive equally and to listen and respond, yielding is the “how” we bridge the landscape of formlessness and form.


The Crystal River - Embodying the Glands

Saturday, March 11  - 9:00 -11:30 CET

Our endocrine system functions like a communication system between our body and the chemical cocktail that forges our perception.  It is an effervescing river of information that connects formlessness and form through hubs of multidimensional communication.  A source of energy, support, and transmission our glandular system is a secret treasure chest to our doorways of perception.


The Heart Vortex - Yielding into the Flow of Life

Sunday, March 12 - 9:00 -11:30 CET

Heart and Blood.  The arterial hug of the heart plays into the heart as a vortex into muscular rivers of flow. In this final class, we will attune to the relaxed flow of the lamniscating heart as we follow its fluid rivers into the vital pulse of flow.

Classes can be joined individually or as a weekend pass and will be recorded and available for 10 days to replay

Due to the digital nature of offerings, all sales are final.