embodied flow yoga teacher training tarajudelle 1.jpg

Happy full moon, blood moon, lunar eclipse. . .

As we tend to our part in the cosmos,
the tiny infinitesimal self,
that frolics in the enormous field of BEING,
we have the possibility of not only restoring the wealth and health of our body,
but of using the map to discover the truth of what we are.

The labyrinth of tissues, the layers and densities of frequencies.
Ladled from the beyond
can dance in the field of being.

The codes and keys are beneath our nose.
Our body is the operator’s manual to consciousness.


Practice with me on Yogaglo!  According to yoga teachings, an awakened yogi is filled with a joy-filled wonderment. This moderately-paced class will take you on a journey of poses that invite you to delight in the joy of being embodied, and will call forth the simple delight of being. Move from standing poses to challenging arm balances, inversions, and hip openers, then conclude your practice with a short pranayama and meditation, to return you to the miracle of your own self.



Bea Rue