Transformation Game
For the last four years I have hosted trainings over the (western based) holiday season. Bridging the double header of Christmas and New Year’s, which is often considered a time for family, giving, holiday parties, and setting intentions, the trainings I hold in Bali create a parallel universe for these motifs. My love for these concepts actually drove me to find the container I could hold to offer these treasures in a deeply immersive experience. The turning of the calendar year from one to the next, like a turning of a page of the story of our life, feels ripe for the journey into deep understanding and transmutation.
Starting December 13th my teaching partner Scott Lyons and I will offer three advanced modules in Ubud, Bali: Body, Mind and Expression. Each one serves as 100 hours towards the RYT 300 curriculum. “Body” dives deep into the landscape of embodiment, working through systems of the body; "Mind" explores and expands the psychological signature of who and what we are; and “Expression” opens and expands our capacity to communicate our unique offering into the world through voice, movement and holding space.
When we come together in community to explore and unpack the truth of who and what we are, nothing less than magic emerges.
I hope you will consider coming to spend your holidays with us in Bali. We promise, it will be the best gift you ever gave yourself.
With love,