“Embodied Flow lets you experience yoga on a deeper level. It’s a more creative, more meditative, more fun, more resonant and yes more embodied form of yoga than other forms I’ve previously practiced. Even though it’s a breath of fresh air, it is still firmly rooted in the traditions of yoga. Instead of feeling like a new fad, Embodied Flow feels like it’s what yoga was always meant to be, it’s the experience I’ve been looking for. The gifts of the training are the ecstatic joys of Tara Judelle’s teachings, deepening your personal yoga practice and awakening yourself as a human being. The greatest gift however is that you leave with the tools and fire you need to be able to share this joy with others. If you’re passionate about yoga I cannot imagine there being a better teacher training on this planet. I truly believe that not a single person who completes the training would disagree with this statement.”
"The School of Embodied Flow's trainings are a wonderful blend of traditional and innovative yoga practice and teaching skills. The trainings are truly advanced in that they encourage students' deep self-inquiry, trust and courage, and the development of one's own authentic and unique experience of awakening as the foundation for sharing the practice of yoga. Highly skilled and passionate, Tara Judelle and Scott Lyons offer a rich opportunity for continuing exploration and revelation in practices of awakening that are truly relevant to our contemporary lives. I have completed over 600 hours of training with Embodied Flow, and the work keeps getting richer."
- Mei Lai Swan | Melbourne, Australia
“Tara Judelle and her Embodied Flow School of Yoga have provided some of the most profound and meaningful experiences of my life. The container is so supportive and the depth of knowledge spans a broad spectrum of scientific, anatomical, spiritual and historical fields- truly impressive. Thank you, Tara, for teaching me how to start finding my flow by witnessing how you embody yours.”
“I embarked on my 200 hour YTT hoping to deepen my asana practice but gained a deeper understanding and appreciation for every aspect of myself- physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. I left with a new found connection to my authentic self, someone I’d concealed a long time ago, many, many times over. I leave my YTT to embark on my journey of self discovery, with a new family by my side. I can’t thank Tara enough for creating this container, holding us in our wholeness and pouring in her knowledge, energy, and love.”
"I attended the 200 Hour Embodied Flow training in Paros, Greece. To say that it was a life-changing experience is an understatement. Not only did it transform the way I see the world, but it gave me the confidence to share with others what I’ve always known was inside of me, but never knew how to articulate. The journey of yoga is the most beautiful one I’ve embarked on, and I fully intend for it to be a life-long journey. You don’t come to this training to learn how to teach Asana (although of course you do learn how to do that, and do it well). More-so, you come to this training to build a foundation for this life-long journey of awakening. We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to share the amazing gift of yoga with others, and through it we can begin to change the world. I recommend this course to anyone and everyone, whether or not you think you’ll ever ‘teach’ yoga."
- Nicole Wild | Montana, USA
“Amazing teachers. Scott and Tara deepen, broaden and expand knowledge and awareness, helping our group enter into embodiment. Transformation of the emotional/physical/mental and a flourishing happened. I have richer tools for life, for teaching, for loving. So much gratitude to these people. I’m going back for more learning!”
“Aside from the mainstream yoga hype, Tara Judelle and Scott Lyons have developed an approach to yoga and body-mind practices that is simply mind-blowing. Embodied Flow opens experiences that put the Self in the center, and life begins to shift- not just on the yoga mat, but in every facet of life. Embodied Flow has been the most challenging, yet most rewarding practice for me, unveiling sensational body-mind experiences and clarity of being.”
“Embodied Flow is not just a teacher training, it is a Life training. The quality of life that I’ve experienced since participating in this course has increased exponentially. I can now feel what it’s like to be fully alive - when I breath I can feel every cell in my body breathing and intuitively I know that I am whole, that I am complete, and it is not just a thought but a bodily experience. Thanks to Embodied Flow I have fallen into myself, and I absolutely adore myself.”
- Ryan Henson | Sydney, Australia
“William Butler Yeats once said, ‘The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.’ Embodied Flow helps you reclaim a primal sensory skill set long forgotten in this modern age. It sets up a paradigm for true transformation offering a rich container for deep introspective sensitivities to nature, people and ourselves, and becoming attuned as Scott says ‘to a subtle variety of flavours of consciousness.’ Via this miraculous course I noticed the quality of my presence deepen along with my capacity for intimacy and connection. This rippled out across all areas of my life, enhancing my work productivity and flow, my relationships, my sense of joy and wellbeing, and my inspiration and passion as a teacher. Embodied Flow is a lineage I am proud to be a part of. Not only has it informed and inspired my own life, but I am honoured to be witnessing the profound shifts these teachings are having on my own students. The reverberations continue long after you leave the Embodied Flow Shala.”
"I feel like I’m on a journey to the depths of where I physically and mentally bathe. Tara and Scott are guides that feel and register exactly where to go, where to turn, what to look at. At the same time they allow me the freedom to find and experience it all for myself. They are opening the curtain in a way that awakens my curiosity like never before. I feel safe, guided, eager, happy, held, and also trusted. It’s a beautiful feeling to find this peaceful and exciting vastness inside of me. The remembrance of purpose. The embodiment and registry of ‘Me’ opens up a whole new awareness and makes me remember that there is no limit to what I am, where I can go and be... me."
- Satu Tuomela | Stockholm, Sweden
“I am incredibly fortunate that I was part of the Teacher Training with Tara and Scott. They have so much spiritual knowledge and are so open and generous with their information and inspiration. The entire month has been a journey of exploration and transformation as I found my steps to the path of awakening and opening of new possibilities. I have learned so much about different systems of the body, Tantra, Meditation, Pranayama, my physical Yoga practice has been changed, to find more wholeness, to come closer to my true inner-self. For me, with a background as a professional dancer and teacher, this training was incredibly profound and healing. I am deeply inspired by them and all the love I have shared with our group. I feel grateful for this experience and will continue my path. I would truly recommend this 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training.”
“Embodied Flow gives me the experience I first turned to yoga for- a deep connection and relationship to my whole self. I feel that I have been able to unravel long-established holding patterns in my body that were preventing me from delving deeper into the creative realm of my own body/mind. This is why I first stepped onto the mat. To heal, to play, to create, to unfold and to essentially know levels of myself that I felt were hidden from my awareness. To express the asana that I’d be doing for so long from this perspective, from deep within my body, whether it be from the vertical core, organs, bones or glands, has given me a freedom and grace in movement that I had only hoped
was possible…
Embodied Flow has allowed me to honour every part of who I am and the deep wisdom and knowingness of my cells and tissues and bones.”
- Aimee Pedersen | Sydney, Australia
“I am very, very happy that I could join the Embodied Flow Teacher Training with Tara and Scott. It’s one of the best things that ever happened to me! It changed my yoga practice and my life in so many positive ways that I feel deeply humbled.”
“In classes with Tara and Scott there is an open space for anything to arise in a new way. It is as if the room expands; the sound of breathing and the light become a backdrop to incredible sensations that make themselves known within my body. I can be luminous, my skin supported by the expansive energy of the organs, or I can feel sturdy and safe, moving into the quiet support of my bones. My body greets me and I move with it and through it. Juicy, fluid, strong, slow, steady—all of these adjectives could describe it, but there is so much more beyond the words. Moving is like experiencing the wind that births being. We become creation. Attuning to the essence of movement opens channels to whole new ways of perceiving existence.”
"Embodied Flow is a homecoming. . . a practice that moves me to ever-more-subtle layers of awareness; to an ever-deeper understanding of what very real yet completely magical stuff this body and this mind are made of. It is a practice of noticing processes, noticing patterns, noticing connections, and bringing all those into conscious awareness to facilitate flow, to facilitate vibrancy, to facilitate healing. It is a discovery of life. It is a practice of radical freedom. As I learn to unlock the matrix of my cells, the more I understand about myself, the more I can begin to understand others. It has shown me - not with detached concepts and unreachable ideals, but through the concrete experience of this vessel of my mind-body - that we are, that this world is, both inextricably bound and inexplicably free."
- Bess Prescott | Byron Bay, Australia
“Embodied Flow is an amazing school and was exactly what I needed, a perfect combination of philosophy, history, spirituality, asana, anatomy, tuning into the consciousness of the body, and art of teaching. I originally signed up for my yoga teacher training to deepen my practice and left not only feeling like my life was changed, but also wanting to add teaching to part of my life. I think that is a testament to the quality of the experience.”
“The School of Embodied Flow is unique in giving each student a felt sense of every aspect of meditation, breathing and asana. Students learn anatomy from an embryological and evolutionary perspective, and engage in experiences that promote feeling and movement from the various body systems- not just from muscles, but also from skin, bones, glands, heart, lungs, and fluid systems. The result is a full presence and awareness of the body in movement, and the tools to teach others to find this presence and awareness. The School of Embodied Flow’s Teacher Training was a transformative and life changing experience for me both personally and professionally.”
Embodied Flow allows me more freedom in the yoga asana practice, as a place of discovery rather than achievement or measurement. Like having 100 stacks of amazing sketchbooks, rather than 10 finished paintings. I had hit a wall, and no matter how much I practiced or how many workshops I attended, I was going nowhere, nor learning how to be where I was. Learning to move and be still from different layers- like twisting internally using the organs, using the skin to support me in plank, using the back body to open the front body in backbends, using the endocrine system to help me find lightness in arm balances, using the skin to hold me in inversion, moving through quick challenging flows from my marrow- these opened up a whole world for me. Sitting in meditation, I can feel my brain in my skull, each cell of my skin moving as I breathe. All these discoveries was like learning an Eskimo language and understanding all the ways to use the 22 different words for ‘snow.'
This was an exceptional program. Beyond the science and philosophy of yoga and the skills of facilitating the practice, students are empowered to ask questions, to keep learning, to support and hold space for others. I would recommend this school to any yoga practitioner from any background.
- Wanna van johansson | Manila, Philippines
“Amazing. Deep. Body-Mind Expanding.”
“Being introduced to Embodied Flow is like being given a completely new dimension to yoga and movement. In my daily life it has affected my proprioception and interactions with people and situations. The inner landscape of the body is such a wide field. To move from different body systems gives an astonishing variety of expression to movement and feeling of the body. For me it’s also a powerful moving meditation- the mind relaxes and leans back completely and my whole being is feeling in an absolute state of presence.
In her training, Tara holds space for each and every participant and skillfully cracks the students open to enable them to teach from an authentic place. She is sharing her profound knowledge of the whole spectrum of Yoga in a unique and fascinating way.”
"My Embodied Flow trainings were the most enriching experience of my life. I found my standards, my self-imposed limitations, my fears, and at the same time, I found all my infinite potential. Studying with Tara Judelle is a journey to the Self through movement, meditation and creating space for awareness to expand. And Dr. Scott Lyons has the unique ability to challenge in a welcoming way and to make any searcher find his lost parts. It is a blessing to have the opportunity to sit in the presence of the creators of Embodied Flow, both inspiring me to be a better person and to bring a state of Flow to my classes and community in Brazil. Each Embodied Flow experience has been full of investigation, revelation and transcendence, and I feel honored to be part of this family that is committed to awakening a healing process through the agency of our body-mind."
- Duda Monteiro | Sao Paulo, Brazil
“The Embodied Flow school provides a magical teacher training. It transformed me and brought me closer to my innermost Self as it taught me the most poetic and simultaneously to-the- point techniques. This allows me to continue this journey every single day on my own (but in case one is lost there will be a caring mentorship program afterwards) and share the insights and techniques with others. I really wished every yoga teacher training was like this because that would produce the most open, sensitive, loving and amazing teachers. Namasté.”
"For me the Mind Module created the necessary internal confusion from which to unravel illusionary concepts and free old patterns. The combination of Tara Judelle’s efficacy of eloquent language to implore one to delve deep into the body-mind and Scott Lyon’s intelligent way of articulating wisdom-based tools for transformation gave me the platform from which to explore. Spoiler Alert- embodying the senses is Amazing!!! Whoop!!!"
- Janine Leagh | Sydney, Australia
“Best instructors. Pro facilitation. Knowledgeable, philosophical, deeply rooted and balanced. They were more than generous with their time.”
“Scott and Tara not only teach you to embody the flow, but they teach you to rejoice and share, to have fun even when putting yourself into challenges. I learned how to dive deep without hurting myself, to be safe and to enjoy the practice. My sadhana became stronger, the Philosophy entered my skin. I am living it, and I am yielding in every moment to moment. It’s been quite a journey, and I know is that it’s only the beginning. I found my family, my tribe, and my heart swells at the feeling of sharing this practice with other beings, and to bring it into the world. I love my teacher but also all my colleagues and companions. It’s a big supportive community of yogis and good human beings! Namaste.”
"Embodied Flow has changed the game for me. Confronting, revealing, scientific, exploratory, empowering. Everything I thought I knew, I didn't know. It becomes clearer and clearer to me within the teachings of Embodied Flow that there are no absolutes, only variables. And that applies to EVERYTHING in this life."
- Emily Kuser | Bali, Indonesia
“Being able to dive into myself, and The Self under the guidance of a master teacher like Tara Judelle is beyond words. It’s a gift that I would never be without. Getting to know the teachings of Yoga, BMC and Tantra in the intelligent form of Embodied Flow has changed my life. Through play, discipline, laughter and wisdom new possibilities and pathways are uncovered. I would recommend this program with my whole heart. Thank you so much, Tara, for giving me access to the whole, that is me.”
"For me the principles and practice of Embodied Flow add rich dimensions to what is possible- in yoga, self and life."
- Lisa Virute | November 2017
“Tara Judelle is an incredibly skillful life conductor. I never thought one person could compose so beautifully, igniting the music within myself and every other person on this 200 hour life journey. If you have the slightest inkling to plug your head set into a new soundtrack I promise you Embodied Flow is the perfect composition. Your body-mind is just waiting to attune itself to the true melody of this existence. Thank you, Tara, for your notes, your beats and for bringing me closer to this pulsating rhythmic dance of life. Oh and this all happens whilst you’re learning to teach yoga! She’s a magical conductor.”
The Mind Module was a shape shifter, allowing me to sift through, clear out and reset the hard drive of my mental programming in a way I had never experienced before. It offered me space to curiously re-evaluate all I had taken on and assumed to be true and fixed.
Prior to the training, I was taking on so much from so many different people, trying to create some kind of ‘perfect formula.’ I had completely lost myself. Planning classes used to take me hours. They became so scripted. Each class was an exact replica of what I wrote in my book. I felt stifled but didn’t realise it until the Expression training. Now planning and teaching is such an ecstatic, free and rewarding process. My classes have gone from analytical and rigid to a free mind map of possibility. It takes me less than half the time as well.
The Embodied Flow advanced teacher training was like a homing call to my deepest self. Coalescing all of my light, shadows and darkness, I became more receptive and more attuned to my whole, unbounded and unbroken self. I finally stand up to be seen, as myself. I have never felt so clear, grounded, centered, sure and in love with who I am.
- Sam Belyea | Sydney, Australia